In this morning’s Wall Street Journal, On Style columnist Christina Binkley wrote about the suit that turns her into a VIP. The writer, who says she’s middle class and typically shops at Saks off Fifth Avenue or Banana Republic, has one investment that completely transforms her: a St. John suit. Valued at over $5000, she says it gets her a prime seat at swank restaurants, and even got a pro baseball player talking to her on an airplane, telling her where she should go for shoes. When she changes back into her Banana Republic pantsuit? Back to the end of the line.
I just went on a shopping spree at Target for my fall wardrobe, and with this economic climate, could relate more to the Cheapskate column, directly below Binkley's:
I just went on a shopping spree at Target for my fall wardrobe, and with this economic climate, could relate more to the Cheapskate column, directly below Binkley's:
I think my attitude falls somewhere in between. Having kept my best dressed friends' fashion cues in mind while shopping (stick to basics, mix and match, above all, LAYER), I think there's a way to "dress for success" on a budget. Just putting in an extra ten minutes of work into my appearance in the morning (you mean it's not the best idea to just roll out of bed?), and pairing a cute (but $7.99!) belt with an outfit I already feel more confident at work, which in turn makes me better at my job. Which means maybe some day I can afford that St. John suit...but for now, will settle for getting a cab quicker.
Next on the reading list: How to Have Style, by Isaac Mizrahi. http://www.amazon.com/How-Have-Style-Gotham-Books/dp/1592403921/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225385751&sr=8-1
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